June Callwood - Fort York Kids' Park - Fence Request

Dear Councillor Malik,

We are residents of Fort York and want to bring your attention to the June Callwood kids' section park right next to the Bentway. We created this webpage with photos of the park to showcase that while every other kids' park in the vicinity has a fence around it, this one does not. We are not sure why a fence was not put up in the first place because as you can see in the pictures below, there are roads on all four sides of this park. This is a huge safety issue for the kids who play in this park.

As you can see in the pictures, there are roads on all four sides of this park.

We would like to initiate a discussion on how to add a fence to this park. Some of the concerns in this park are:

- Traffic - Some of the kids who play here are small enough to not have yet learned the risk associated with roads and traffic safety.

- Dog owners regularly use this park, often without a leash. While most clean up after their dogs, hygiene still has been an issue.

June Callwood Fort York Kids' Park Photo June Callwood Fort York Kids' Park Photo June Callwood Fort York Kids' Park Photo June Callwood Fort York Kids' Park Photo June Callwood Fort York Kids' Park Photo June Callwood park Toronto map

Parents around Fort York area.